Who is the strongest character in One Piece?

Strongest Character in One Piece

Who is the strongest character in One Piece? There are many answers to this question. One Piece is a popular anime and manga series that has been always there for fans, no matter what season or difficult period fans are going through. One Piece has been running since 1999 and has given us many beautiful memories that are still carved into our hearts. The anime is infamous for creating the best of the best characters. Who are often the center of attention in anime communities. People online talk about how indulging it is when two or more than two characters of One Piece Collide with.

One Piece has many strong characters, which are introduced to anime slowly. Each time the anime introduces a character with heavenly powers, fans think of that character as the strongest up until the next arc, when an even more powerful being makes a cold entrance.

But for real, who is the strongest One Piece Character of All time? It’s time to unveil the secrets and make public the strongest character of the One Piece. It’s time to begin with our analysis.

Criteria for Strength

There’s no doubt that anime fights are otherworldly because strong sides clash and only one comes out victorious in most cases. One Piece also has overwhelming fights, with jaw-dropping action, stunning visuals, combos of mysterious powers, and rational backgrounds.

To determine who is the strongest, we have to take a look at a few aspects, such as physical strength, magical attributes, shape-shifting, and the Haki of each character in general. If one is strong enough to acquire all those powers or defeat someone with those powers, they are entitled to “The Strongest.”

The Strongest One Piece Character

There may be no exact answer to this question because One Piece has many strong figures. Every time the anime reveals something, people change their opinion in the instance.

Some Call Monkey D. Luffy the strongest, while others say Shanks, his mentor and father figure, is the most powerful mortal. In reality, these two are nowhere close to being in the top 3.

The strongest being in One Piece is Imu, let alone the power their whole existence is mysterious. Imu’s power seems to be related to a devil fruit’s ability, and based on his silhouette appearance, it’s probably safe to say that they own a Zoan-type Devil Fruit.

Imu is the secret ruler of the World Government and keeps his existence a secret from the outer world. They rarely appear on the screen. Imu holds enough power to be the supreme leader of the five elders, and their connection is most formidable in One Piece.

Determining the Strongest Character in One Piece Based on Haki Mastery

What is Haki you may ask. Haki is a strange power that helps the user utilize its spiritual energy. Every breathing creature in One Piece has Haki, but the biggest problem for most is that either they don’t notice it or fail to awaken it. Understanding Haki can be difficult because it has no limit. However, too much usage of Haki results in depletion, and the user can only use it again after it regenerates.

Haki has 3 different types, all have different abilities and serve different purposes.

The first type of Haki is Kenbunshoku, this Haki type gives a user enough power to sense others’ presence, and emotions, and predict the future to some extent. Kenbumshoku enhances one’s vision, hearing, smell, and other senses.

The second type of Haki is Busoshoku, it’s gives the user physical power, strong enough to even pierce Devil Fruit users mentally and physically. This Haki helps users build a strong attack and diamond-like strong defense.

The third type of Haki is Haoshoku, it is the strongest of all 3. Haoshoku’s users have power strong enough to knock out the opponent with willpower alone. This Haki serves other purposes but it mostly depends on one’s power level.

One Piece only has a few people who can use all three Haki’s some of which are Monkey D. Luffy, the protagonist, Shanks, and Zoro.

Haki of the Strongest One Piece Character

The strongest entity, Imu’s Haki is often discussed online, with people stating that they have mastered this Haki or that Haki. As far as we know Imu’s Haki remains a mystery as of now, just like their whole existence. Some Critics and experts claim Imu to have Haoshoku Haki, and also state that they may have mastered it. Those claims also reveal something very shocking, saying that using the ability of Haoshoku Haki, they can look very far into the future, and know as far as someone’s remaining life span.

Rumors also claim that Imu might have the power of devil fruit, Zoan type to be precise. Their attire speaks of their resemblance to the power and that’s how the fans got the Idea of jumping to conclusions. Imu can shapeshift into a gigantic creature and their transformation may be the cause of their Haki and Devil Fruit’s power.

Feats and Achievements that Showcase the Levels of Strength

Imu doesn’t have any achievements or rather their achievements are unknown, but they have connections, and having connections in One Piece unfolds one’s strength and influence over the world. The series tells about Imu’s connection with the very first founders of the World Government. It certainly may be true that Imu is their descendant. It is also said that Imu possesses immortality, which one can receive only from the Ope Ope no Mi Devil fruit.

Despite not being public their connection to the outer world is so strong that if someone spreads a rumor saying Imu knows the whereabouts of the One Piece treasure, you can’t argue with them, because it could be true. But don’t be sad because Eiichiro Oda will reveal more about him soon.

Debates and Fan Opinions on The Strongest One Piece Character

Let’s say you gather around 100 One Piece fans and ask each individual about his or her favorite character. The majority of people would select the protagonist but not all. Just like that, most would pick someone else over Imu. The series features many strong characters, who hold divine powers but One Piece has still some characters whose true potential remains a top secret.

Over the years the debate of who is the strongest got bigger, and such debate tags get higher reach than most of the show’s primary characters tags.

Gol D. Roger

Some claim Gol D. Roger to be the strongest because he once acquired One Piece, and he is the one who buried it at the Grand Line. One Piece is the greatest treasure that all the pirates are looking for, and it is also Luffy’s dream. Gol D. Roger was titled the “King of the Pirates.” he was able to use all three Haki’s efficiently and was nearly perfect at all of them.


Shanks, Luffy’s mentor and inspiration, was the reason Luffy became engrossed by pirates and wanted to become one. He is full of mysteries, and every time he appears we see him doing a feat that isn’t humanly possible. He is regarded as the most likable character of the One Piece series and the strongest by the fans who know him from the very beginning.

Shanks has more experience and willpower as a fighter than you could imagine. He was formerly a member of the Roger Pirates crew. He has access to all three Haki and has mastered Haoshoku Haki. Shanks can manipulate someone’s Haki and stop his opponents from Seeing the future and has many more abilities that could take up the space for a whole blog.


Watching Luffy grow from a child to a strong dependent young man hits differently. Luffy started as weak and timid, he admired Shanks and was fascinated by Gol D. Roger’s tales, he dreamt of getting his hands on One Piece, but realized the importance of friends and wanted to achieve more than just finding a sacred treasure.

Luffy’s Gear is more prominent than his Haki. The reason is the change in his appearance, he changes his form and skin color when using gear. Compared to His Haki’s, his gear transformation emits an aura and power that stands out. He currently has more than enough experience to be called King of the Sea.

Monkey D. Dragon

Monkey D. Dragon, The Biological father of Monkey D. Luffy, holds a tremendous amount of power, he is strong enough to be in the top tier of our rankings. Monkey D. Dragon is the leader of the revolution army, his identity is revealed very early in the first half. Monkey D. Dragon’s true power isn’t made live completely, we got to see a few glimpses of his strength.

The anime’s fans assume that he may have a weather-related devil fruit just like his son, and these assumptions are made because whenever he makes an entry the whole sky appears to be cloudy or dark.

Other Historical Figures

Kaido’s strength, durability, and immensely big bounty make him a contender for the strongest title. He also defeated Luffy in one shot but is still nowhere close to the current form of Luffy.

Blackbeard, the captain of his ship, holds the power of two Devil Fruits and is ruthless. Blackbeard wins every conflict off-screen but is mostly seen running on the battlefield when on screen.

Monkey D. Garp, the grandfather of Luffy, is a pirate but marine. His wide back and tall build speak of his strength on his behalf, there’s no doubt that he is one of the best and arguably the best character for most.

Verdict on Strongest One Piece Character

Debate about the strongest One Piece Character is always a hot topic and not just people but the One Piece anime and manga community engage in fierce conflict over who is the strongest.

For now, we can say with the chest that Imu is the strongest One Piece character. Although the way things are proceeding we could expect Luffy and his party to go against them anytime. And because Luffy is the protagonist, he will be the one sending Imu to eternal slumber. Still, there may be many outcomes for this question, only time may help.

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FAQ’s About The Strongest One Piece Character.

When looking up the strongest One Piece Character, these questions often pop up on users’ screens. Check them out, they might help clear your doubts about the strongest One Piece Character.

Who is stronger than Luffy?

Luffy may be the protagonist but that doesn’t mean he will take the spotlight just for being the strongest character, he barely ranks in the top 10. Luffy despite becoming a young strong man, is nowhere close to the characters like Imu, Monkey D. Dragon, and Blackbeard.

Who can beat Shanks?

Shanks is the strongest without a doubt, he may be the top 3 strongest One Piece characters. But he still is no match for Imu, although Shanks is also full of mysteries, only their encounter will decide who comes out to be the best.

Can Luffy beat Imu?

Luffy in his current state can’t beat Shanks let alone Imu, but he is growing rapidly and will one day clash his hands with Emu, very soon in the future.

What is the greatest power in One Piece?

Raid Suits, Lineage Factor Augmentation, and all three types of Haki are the greatest powers. But Haoshoku Haki slightly edges it over. Although just as the topic of the strongest character is debatable, the answer to the strongest power may vary from person to person.

Where to watch One Piece in order?

You Can Watch One Piece on Crunchyroll .

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